The Walk 2 Run Club was created several semesters ago at Suffolk County Community College (SCCC). Founder Liah Ruvolo was always encouraged to get involved and find ways to make the community her own. In one of her classes, COM 102, Professor Alyssa Kauffman always encouraged her students to express themselves in various forms. When Liah expressed her interest and background in running, Prof. Kauffman informed her that although there was no running club on campus, she should work toward creating an environment that could foster one.
Her professors let her present it to her class and advertised it often. To her surprise, it was an easy feat. In order to create a club, only four members are required. As soon as it circulated among the right people, members multiplied quickly. Her initial goal was to target runners straight from high school who had hopes of running in varsity leagues and wanted to keep their sport alive. In order to stimulate a welcoming environment, Liah decided to have a more inclusive approach. The Walk 2 Run Club is a place for all runners. Regardless of experience, it’s a place where one can get their steps in, get fresh air, meet new people, or simply take a much-needed brain break from class.
The meeting starts with a group stretch, group drills, and a set exercise depending on one’s desired extent of activity. To keep the energy flowing, our shared music playlist will make you forget that you just conquered an entire workout! Modified workouts are also available to target each individual goal and skill set. At the end of each meeting, you are welcome to share what made you thrive so we can improve.
A big accomplishment we shared as a club was attending a 5K race in support of mental health. Students’ mental health is often overlooked while it should be greatly acknowledged. The end goal of the Walk 2 Run Club is to take what we learned and walk or run for a cause. In doing so, we are taking a selfish pastime and transforming it into a selfless act for others. Thanks to Profs. Kauffman and Lorrain, the club now has approximately 20 members. Some attend consistently and some rotate between other clubs during our meeting time. We couldn’t have done it without their support and their endless broadcasting for the club and our cause. Please refer to the school website for information on how to reach us. Although Liah is at the start of a new beginning herself, the Walk 2 Run Club will always be there for those who seek support in their journeys: whether that be mental, physical, or both. The Walk 2 Run Club meets on Wednesdays from 12:45PM-1:30PM on the Grant Campus, it takes place on the inside track in the Suffolk Credit Arena room MC-116.