A former Suffolk County Community College (SCCC) student has been marking up the walls of men’s rooms throughout several buildings of the Grant Campus for weeks. Sanjay Banerjee, 28 of Kings Park, was finally caught in the act in the upstairs men’s bathroom in the Sagtikos Arts and Sciences Building. These activities began in early January and continued until he was apprehended on February 7th.
Graffiti on the walls included detailed statements promoting a conspiracy theory surrounding a man who believes himself to be the real son of former President John F. Kennedy. “EVERYONE has to know the BIGGEST story in the world being CENSORED and SUPPRESSED,” was written in one bathroom. “THE STORY OF THE CENTURY,” was etched on another wall. The graffiti professed to promote the book and YouTube channel of “The Real John F. Kennedy Jr.,” who claims he was the real son of the 35th President.
Bathrooms in Asharoken, Caumsett Hall, Captree Commons, Sagtikos Arts and Sciences, and Workforce Development buildings were all victims of Banerjee’s ranting. The graffiti has already cost the college at least $1000 as staff has had to restore the bathrooms after each attack. Sometimes, they have had to repaint the same walls two to three times over. According to David Meyer, the director of Plant Operations on the Grant Campus, the costs include both paint and labor, along with “interrupting the flow of work,” as Meyer put it. When asked how much it will cost the school in total, Meyer said “I can’t put a number on how much it’s going to cost, but it’s going to be a lot.”
According to Director of Public Safety Baycan Fideli, Banerjee was caught in the act with the combined use of security cameras and “being at the right place at the right time.”
Banerjee was charged with Criminal Mischief in the 4th Degree and Making Graffiti. According to the New York State Penal Code, A person is guilty of criminal mischief in the fourth degree when they:
- Intentionally damage property of another person; or
- Intentionally participates in the destruction of an abandoned building as defined in section one thousand nine hundred seventy-one-a of the real property actions and proceedings law; or
- Recklessly damages property of another person in an amount exceeding two hundred fifty dollars; or
- With intent to prevent a person from communicating a request for emergency assistance, intentionally disables or removes telephonic, TTY, or similar communication sending equipment while that person: (a) is attempting to seek or is engaged in the process of seeking emergency assistance from police, law enforcement, fire, or emergency medical services personnel; or (b) is attempting to seek or is engaged in the process of seeking emergency assistance from another person or entity in order to protect himself, herself, or a third person from imminent physical injury. The fact that the defendant has an ownership interest in such equipment shall not be a defense to a charge pursuant to this subdivision.
Banerjee was spreading a man’s claim to be the “real” John F. Kennedy Jr. who alleges that he was kidnapped from the Kennedy family and replaced by a body double at the age of nine as part of a scheme to embezzle billions of dollars from the Kennedy family for organized crime. This person further asserts that he was kidnapped and held captive by individuals known as the Quigley family, whom he describes as “members of secret societies such as the Illuminati and the Freemasons.” According to his claims, he witnessed prominent public figures involved in satanic cults and observed other children being trafficked and abducted.
He also contends that his mother, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, was murdered in the 1970s and that he was coerced into signing documents approving her death while he was still a child. He alleges that a body double was used to impersonate her in public until 1994.
These extraordinary claims have not been substantiated by credible evidence and should be regarded as conspiracy theories.